What is Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy?

The PRP Penis Shot is a specific form of Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy, a therapy solution used for a variety of orthopedic and aesthetic purposes. PRP therapy is a powerful, low-risk therapy procedure that uses the platelets present in your own blood to help heal injuries, reduce signs of aging, improve sexual functioning and so much more.

Your PRP therapy begins with a specialized doctor taking a sample of your own blood and spinning it down in a centrifuge to obtain powerful growth factors and platelets.

These platelets are the first components of blood that arrive when you have an injury, and their presence alerts stem cells to come and help rebuild tissues. Stem cells are known for their unique ability to take on the form of any bodily tissue in order to heal. The growth factors obtained stimulate platelets and stem cells to do their work in rebuilding, restoring and rejuvenating body tissue, allowing patients to experience amazing results.

Once this restorative, highly concentrated mixture is obtained, it is injected into the area being treated. While Platelet-Rich Plasma is mostly used in the fields of orthopedics, chronic pain management and aesthetics it can be used to treat a variety of conditions.

Common Complaints Treated by PRP

  • Wrinkling Skin
  • Joint Pain
  • Skin Discoloration
  • Arthritis
  • Sagging or Loose Skin
  • Tendonitis
  • Golfer’s Elbow
  • Sexual Dysfunction

What are Some Benefits of Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy?

Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy has many unique benefits that may provide advantages over other therapies. Some of these include:

Low Risk of Adverse Reactions: Because Platelet-Rich Plasma comes from each patient’s own body, there is little to no risk of allergic reactions, infections or rejections associated with this therapy. Patients’ bodies easily accept PRP to obtain healing from the treatments.

Quick and Painless: Platelet-Rich Plasma therapy can be performed in under an hour, and there is typically no downtime required after having a treatment. Most patients report little to no pain with no anesthesia or medications needed (a light numbing cream may be applied per patient request).

Results Improve Over Time: While the positive effects of many therapies often diminish shortly after treatment, with Platelet-Rich Plasma therapy, your results continue to improve over time. Because the platelets, stem cells and growth factors work at a deeper level, full results can often be seen after a few weeks.

Works With Other Therapies: Platelet-Rich Plasma therapy doctors often recommend that patients use PRP therapy in conjunction with other therapies in order to achieve optimal results. For aesthetic patients, PRP is often used in addition to lasers, creams, surgery or liposuction. For orthopedic patients, this therapy can be used pre- or post-surgery or with pain medications.

Platelet-Rich Plasma therapy doctors near you help you get started by first documenting your full medical history and learning about your treatment and wellness goals. After performing a thorough assessment, your specialist will design a unique protocol suited to your individual needs.

Platelet-Rich Plasma therapy is proven to help patients alleviate their pain and look years younger by regenerating tissues. PRP doctors can help patients like you to greatly improve overall health and quality of life.

Learn more about getting started with Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy by contacting a PRP specialist to schedule an appointment today!