What Conditions Does the PRP Penis Shot Treat?

PRP is used to treat a variety of aesthetic and orthopedic conditions, and the PRP Penis Shot is no different. If you are suffering from a hidden penis, micro penis, erectile dysfunction, low libido or if you are simply not satisfied with your penis size or sex life, you should speak with our PRP Penis Shot Doctors.

Every man is different, and it can be embarrassing to discuss these issues with your primary care physician. Take advantage of our directory of skilled PRP Physicians—call one or more doctors to discuss your particular concerns and learn how they can help you enjoy a better, healthier sex life.

How Does the PRP Penis Shot Work?

PRP therapy begins with your PRP specialized doctor taking a small sample of your blood. This sample is spun down in a centrifuge to obtain the powerful growth factors and platelets (hence, the name Platelet-Rich Plasma). These platelets are the first components of blood that arrive when you have an injury, and their presence alerts stem cells to help rebuild tissues. Stem cells are known for their ability to take on the form of any bodily tissue for growth and healing.

The growth factors obtained from your blood stimulate the platelets and stem cells to do their work in rebuilding, restoring and rejuvenating body tissue. Once this restorative, highly concentrated mixture is obtained, the doctor will provide a numbing agent and then inject the platelet-rich plasma into the penis. Then, the stem cells and growth factors go to work, providing growth and healing.

Is the Procedure Painful?

Not at all. In fact, most men say that receiving PRP therapy is easier than having their blood drawn. PRP is non-invasive, so there are no incisions. Plus, your doctor can provide you with a topical anesthetic to completely numb any pain.

Is the PRP Penis Shot Expensive?

Most men find the PRP penis shot to be very affordable, especially considering the magnitude of their results. The cost for the PRP penis shot will vary by area and clinic, but a quick call to one of the clinics on our directory can give you all the information you need.

What is the Recovery Time for the PRP Penis Shot?

Because this is a painless, non-invasive procedure, you will be able to drive home following your visit with no pain at all! However, your doctor may recommend waiting up to 48 hours before engaging in sexual activity.

What Else is PRP Therapy Used For?

The healing growth factors in Platelet-Rich Plasma are used for a variety of conditions and purposes. In addition to using PRP for improving penis and sexual health, it is also used on other areas of the body for join paint, tendonitis, wrinkling skin, arthritis, skin discoloration and much more.

Is There an Equivalent of the PRP Penis Shot for Women?

Yes! For female sexual dysfunction, women should speak with their doctors about PRP Vaginal Rejuvenation.

Learn More: Contact a PRP Men’s Health Doctor Today

If your sex life is struggling due to poor penis size, shape or performance, don’t wait another day. The PRP Penis Shot is a quick procedure with incredible benefits. Contact one of the PRP Penis Shot doctors on our directory today to learn more and schedule your initial consultation!